Original Essay
A brief examination of a subject in prose usually expressing a personal view or interpretation of a subject or topic.
1. Only one (1) notarized original essay written only by the contestant should be submitted on or before the specified deadline. The top of each page must include the contestant's name, page number, and unit name and number.
2. The essay must be typed and double-spaced; not to exceed twelve (12) pages.
3. The contestant must be prepared to answer questions by the judges.
Contestants will be judged by the following criteria:
General Merit (25)
Ideas Organization
Wording Flavor -
Mechanics (25)
Usage Punctuation/Capitalization
Spelling -
Overall Effect (50)

NOTE: For students that qualify for the National Competition
The deadline for submission of national registration documents is the second Saturday of May. No materials or copies will be accepted after that time or at the National Competition.
Contact ACT-SO Chairman Carter Spruill for further information